Daily Check-in | June 1 | 2023
A quick checklist you can use to daily before and during market hours
I plan to start integrating my short Twitter videos into my Substack posts, creating a space where they can permanently reside.
In this video, I discuss my objectives for the upcoming month. Each month, I strive to identify a new area to focus on and enhance. For a significant period, I maintained a practice of self-evaluation each morning before market hours. I would assess various aspects of my readiness on a scale of 1 to 10.
After numerous entries, patterns begin to emerge. These patterns facilitate micro and macro decisions concerning direct trading and life changes, aiming to optimize success.
Here's a glimpse into my self-check this morning:
Body Energy/Awareness: 8/10
Mental Sharpness: 8/10
Market Feel/Awareness: 6.5/10
Momentum: 6/10
Trading Stress: 4/10
Life Stress: 3/10
Current Emotions: Calm | Aware | Motivated
Examining my check-in, it's apparent that, although my physical and mental states are in good shape, my market awareness and momentum aren't particularly strong. Fortunately, stress levels remain low, so there's no urgent need to disengage. However, I will ease off slightly and reduce my position size until I notice some favorable developments. Once these signals appear, I'll promptly increase my positions to capitalize on the opportunity. Until then, I'll adopt a patient stance and allow opportunities to come to me.
If my life or trading stress were elevated, I might scale back trading significantly or opt for less risky spots. But if all signals were positive, I wouldn't hesitate to lean in harder.
I hope this exercise helps improve your decision-making or heightens your awareness. Best of luck as we approach the end of this week.
Remember, always keep your seat at the table,
Jaymes R.