
Invest with Instinct: "MOQ"

What is the "Most Important Question"?

Going back to the Josh Waitzkin Podcast I referred to yesterday,

another segment I enjoyed was about the idea of the “MOQ or the Most Important Question”. By this I mean instead of getting lost in the noise, the millions of inputs and ideas and opinions, rather to get back to the most important thing you should be thinking about or working on. Zooming out and remembering the plot as I like to refer to it.

To me in crypto at the moment even with a new president and heightened volatility… it’s coming in each morning and remembering why I am here, why I am invested, and what my goals/time horizon is. With that answered I can better think if there’s actually anything I NEED to do or act on. Or rather am I good to go, aligned and right where I need to be?

This is helping me stay calm, focused and on the path through this bull market.

What is your most important question?